Friday, 30 September 2011

The Big Plan

So here we are, day three in the big plan.  What is this plan you ask? Well, this time around as I am determined to reach my is mapped out, and specific.

Previously my attempts were sabatoged by pregnancies. That is not happening this time around! This time around the only thing that will prevent me from reaching my target is, well, me. Me and my screaming baby. She bloody well screamed all of our Thursday away. I can't figure out what it is that is upsetting her, she's fed, burped, changed, played with, carried around.  My efforts don't seem to calm her. So while she screamed and screamed yesterday my workout didn't unfold as planned. It was supposed to be a P90x day, however, instead, became a speed walk in our neighbourhood. She screamed in her stroller as we cruised the streets and I managed to squeeze in a good cardio session. Win win for Mum! Like I said, I'm determined, but definetly going to need a lot of flexibility and more healthy foods already prep'd in the fridge. Days like yesterday lead to my grabbing anything I can, regardless of nutritional intake, so I can stuff my face while holding el cranko.  AND what doesn't help? Tostitos. I love Tostitos. And they make me feel good (um yes, I am an emotional eater ha ha) when she is screaming in my face.  SO my fabulous cardio session was essentially wiped out by a handful of Tostitos.  I had to chuck them to stop myself. I won't/can't buy more.

SO back to my specific game plan. I am following a method, the SMART method. Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound.  I specifically want to lose inches (will add my current measurements and goals to these blogs),  measurable - constantly, achievable -definitely, realistic - it's going to take months vs days and/or weeks and time bound. I have goals in sixty day intervals. Specific hurdles I want to reach.

The first sixty days are going to be all about me getting into my groove. I am fairly brain dead these days due to lack of sleep and juggling the kids ( I am solo most of the time - hubby works six days/wk and i do not have any help with my monkeys). SO following videos and just walking/biking etc.  I can't think so weight training solo - not going to happen. Just listening to Billy tell me he wants my heart and soul while I kick and punch - all good.  I am a little stronger than I expected to be at the onset, but attribute that to my insconsistant summer workouts. I couldn't pull off anything consistantly while the kids were home full-time but did what I could when I could (TRX is a personal favorite -s o many varieties of workouts you can do). Feeling good about that, has me starting off on a positive :)

I've written on my calendar my time-lines, smeared sticky notes around reminding me of my goals, and, well, am spilling myself to you.  This is what it takes for me to get my ars in gear.

AND on that note, it's time to walk back to the school to pick up my eldest.  And as my son lies here beside me trying to push buttons and singing LOUDLY in my ear, I think he is trying to tell me something ha ha.  Clearly he has had enough of my blogging for now I bid thee adieu.  I will post the measurements either tonight or tomorrow and finish the detailed game plan.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Day one, week 23

So for twenty three weeks now I was going to get this started.  There have been many "day one's" and yet somehow it took twenty three weeks of them to get this done.  Thus my "and so it begins" at last, it finally does!

So what is she talking about you wonder? I am twenty three weeks post-partum with bambino numero three.  Based on my experiences with the first two, I thought for sure that after birth there would be a few brutal sleep deprived weeks, and then sunny skies from there on in (so to speak). So not the way this all unfolded!

Allow me to back up.  Once upon a time in a far off land, I was a fitness competitor.  It feels like centuries ago. I can barely pull off a full set of push-ups without cheating these days. So after having delivered my third and FINAL child (you will see why I say this shortly), I thought to myself "this is it. Time to shrink the momma boobs! Tighten the puff and eliminate muffin top!"
It all started smoothly. I hadn't gained much weight this pregnancy. I actually lost weight at the onset and didn't gain it back.  It was a healthy pregnancy, I was just carrying excess from my prior pregnancies.  So I thought YES, THIS IS IT! It's gunna happen.

I began creating my training program ( I was a personal trainer prior to my first pregnancy),  mapped out my eating was ready for launch.  Until, my newborn, my sweet sweet newborn, became a screaming demon for months on end. It was colic they say, "textbook". Except the books lied. They said by twelve weeks this should all go away and life will become manageable again. By thirteen, fourteen, fifteen and sixteen weeks I was starting to feel like a basket case. My nerves were shot, I looked like shit and this child would look me in the face and then scream like I just ripped her legs off. Nothing I did could console her.

And so my big plan sat on a shelf and collected dust.  Slowly my weight started to creep back up as I ate anything I could while holding a screaming child.  After months I began inhaling entire rows of cookies while holding my screaming baby to console myself.  And now, for some unexplainable reason completely foreign to me, twenty three weeks after her arrival, she smiles.  She still screams, but only an hour or two at a time. I can handle that!! My facial ticks are diminishing, my nerves moderately calmer and my two older kids (5 and 4 yrs of age), are now willing to stay in the same room as the baby. Thank God, all Gods, I am so grateful for the silence!

My son is in JK, half days. Mornings specifically. This gives me 2 hours to feed the baby and do what I need to do for me. This is going to be my workout time. It started today, with a little Billy Blanks and his SOS DVD.  I sweat like a pig and couldn't believe how unco-ordinated I have become. My daughter thought I was hilarious.  And I FEEL LIKE A MILLION BUCKS!  Nothing has changed physically in my one work-out, but I feel like it should. And it will, all in due time.

This is my blog about my journey on route to re-claiming my fit self.  It will happen, one push up at a time!