Friday, 30 December 2011

A Mom moment

This morning as my hubby slept (we are taking turns sleeping in during our vacation), the kiddos and I did Yoga in the basement.  Listening to the kids talk about how we are building muscle and getting strong made me feel so unbelievably proud. 

My now 6 yr old daughter has friends who talk about not wanting to be "fat" etc. which really upsets me. At this age those grown up thoughts should not be in their minds. Asking me how many calories there are and what makes you fat etc....bothersome! So I have been so careful to use words that are positive and healthy vs negative and harsh. I never talk about losing weight, just gaining strength and power. 

Having the two big kiddos moving into warrior positions etc., I felt myself smiling ear to ear.  This is just the beginning for us,  not just for me but as a family.  I am so lucky they are willing to play along!

Now only if we could get the hubby to get into a downward dog LOL....

Wishing you a wonderful workout and a great day,

Thursday, 29 December 2011

An update!

Yeesh, I've been slacking!  My family is on vacation together at the moment. This happens only twice per year as my hubby shuts down shop for the holidays and once in the summer.  To say the last week has been awesome would be an understatement. I'm really enjoying our time together.

I've been behaving in contrast to what the holidays should encompass.  I haven't OD'd on anything or dove too deeply off the deep end when opportunities present them self. I did have a kick ass dirty burger with fries yesterday during lunch with a favourite friend of mine, and, several billion glasses of wine over the past week.  But otherwise, not bad! I'm so impressed with myself!

Workout wise, not so good.  I've been sleeping. Which I desperately need.  So inconsistent would best describe my workouts. I"m ok with this though, I'm exhausted and I am seeing results. The workout layoff ends in the morning  however, I feel really good today.

I'm due for my pics this Friday, no problem! I know I have lost more in my back and look forward to when I can say the same is happening in the belly and boobs.  One push up at a time, IT WILL HAPPEN!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Monday, 19 December 2011

A teenie tiny bit worn out....

Ok more like seriously worn out.

I fell asleep today sitting upright in a chair.  My big plan was to finish folding the laundry, workout and run errands. I folded laundry, sat for a second before I planned on putting it away. What felt like one milli second later I awoke to my daughter's voice in the baby monitor. She had awoken from her nap, and clearly so had I!

No workout today. I was and am bummed.  I am running on close to empty.  I have to listen to my body if I want this to work.... maybe next time I will listen vs have it just shut down on me.

That said, I'm still exhausted. I'm going to lie in bed and watch the Terra Nova finale and pass out with my hubby. Once upon a time we were wilder, but now, this is wild!


Saturday, 17 December 2011

P90x pain...bringin it.

I cannot believe how many muscles I clearly haven't been using over the past few years.  I'm in (now completed) week 2 of the P90x program.  I am so so sore.

I like it.

I feel very alive this week. I am very aware of myself, mostly due to incredible muscle fatigue and tenderness but it's worth it. The end result is worth it.  My eating is going well, my workouts have been amazing.  It's been wonderful. 

Today I was not able to workout, but am ok with it.  Today was my daughter's 6th bday.  It was a crazy busy day but totally worth it. I just behaved diet wise. I have a plate of cupcakes about thirty feet away and I have yet to attack it.  It isn't worth it. I'm working way too hard. 

Don't get me wrong though,  my halo is somewhat tarnished by the giant glass of red wine that accompanies me at the computer desk at the moment.  I do so love my wine. I will sacrifice cupcakes and other seasonal temptations simply to make way for the caloric overdose from vino. 

I'm heading to bed now in hopes of a few uninterupted hours of sleep.  I'm also hoping for a full yoga workout in the morining. Fingers crossed.....


Sunday, 11 December 2011

Shape shifting bust...

Last night I was so pumped to be able to escape the chaos that is my house on a Saturday evening and attend a family wedding (hubby's side). This was a black tie affair and the kiddos were staying home with my parents.

We both bought new outfits and couldn't wait to get out.

I found myself actually a little shy to be putting on control top panty hose in front of my husband. We were in rush mode aka our normal.  My folks showed up late, my husband worked late and I had to bolt out to pick up my eldest from her friends bday party.  It was 5pm.  Antipasto starts at 5:30.  I hadn't showered yet and my husband wasn't even home.  Fast forward to after a fast shower, quick hair blow dry and racing to get dressed at 6pm. 

I tried on several dresses for this event. I felt like I was in a moo moo in all of them.  It's the boobs, they shoot the dress out five feet from my frame just trying to get around them.  So not flattering. So I went a different route, I bought a suit. A killer Marciano black totally gorgeous power suit.  Madden killer heels finished the outfit.  The blouse was fitted. My boobs are humongous, they def. looked humongous. NO hiding them. I wanted to wear a shape shifting aka spanx top for the not-yet-toned tummy.  I bought it, the rep picked the size for me after having sized me for a bra. She knew....she knew and yet she sold me a shape shifter that wouldn't go over my boobs.  I was totally stuck in it. My husband had to help me out! What do you do with that? Nothing. Laugh at yourself and put the blouse on. It just means perfect posture is required at all times or the rolls are busting out! That and no matter how hot it gets I am not taking off the jacket.  It hides much and looks awesome. 

I'm not getting any deeper with age.

In the end this was a huge motivator to behave all night (WINE EXCLUDED).  I have completed my first full week of P90x. I'm going to go the distance.  I didn't eat the creamy soup or the cheese laden pasta. I did eat (inhale and practically lick the plate of) the filet Mignon w/ asparagus and stuffed mushroom, as well as, the green salad with apple and parm. cheese.  I didn't eat desserts ( one bite size choc. chip cookie) from the huge dessert table.  I behaved.  I am going to do this!

I'm lucky to have a hubby that puts up with me during all of this...and who will remove the stuck spanx for me and not say a word. Bless him.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

The beginning...and it's not pretty!

Well, here it is. The moment. The "before" moment.

I've been staring at these pics....for a couple of reasons. Sometimes it's hard to believe this is actually you, which I cannot believe it's actually me. And secondly, aside from the boobs and belly,  I am not off to a bad start! It's all prego related. As much as I am not liking what I see, I love why it happened. It was all worth it.  It's going to be worth getting rid of it, but the "why" factor, worth every moment.

This is me, 3 and a half pregnancies under my belt ( ze momma gutty belt naturally ha ha).... 7.5 months post partum.... at the very beginning of my P90x adventures.

I do feel fantastic AND I am enjoying this so much I am eating well.  I watched my family inhale swiss chalet french fries last night (treat night)...but not moi. I managed to make it through without spazing or suddenly lunging across the table to snort them before they could eat them.  I'm going to make it to this finish line with the results I want...I want it that bad.

i can't wait for this to be a thing of the past

Today my eldest is home in addition to my younger two monkeys. The upside, she and Ryan play and Rachel is thrilled to watch them. I can work out with a little less interruptions. Awesomeness!! Must boogie to get the kids to their swimming lessons...but when we return, workout time!

Make it a great day!
Cheers, and thanks for reading. 

Friday, 9 December 2011

Some days good, some days.....yeeeesh.

I never would have imagined how much I am enjoying Yoga these days.  I love the way I feel during and after the workout.  It always seemed incredibly boring to me, not my thing. I was really looking forward to today's workout.

One huge drawback to P90x is the duration of the workouts. You can do shorter more intense workouts and get amazing results, but I do enjoy this program. Today's workout is 92 minutes. It's bloody well impossible to pull it all off without interuptions.

Today was BRUTAL. I feel like more of a fire breathing dragon right now vs a calm yogi as I should. My son was relentless and there was no pleasing my daughter. To further annoy me, she is totally content as I type this right now in the very thing she was in then, however, screaming at that time.  Her jolly jumper.  I tried everything today. Play pen, mat, jolly jumper, exersaucer, floor play, chair time... she just refused to co-operate.  She was fed, clean, just wanted mom. And Mom just wanted a workout! I managed 45 minutes. Not bad, but four thousand interuptions later there was a serious lack of flow.

I guess there's always tomorrow, but was so looking forward to today.

Trying to applaud what I did pull off but wishing it was more.

I took the photo's. I will post them later on today once I find where my son hid the cord.  He thinks he's cute, he didn't notice mom has mutated into a fire breathing dragon yet...

At least tonight there will be wine with my hubby by the fire. I know, so not what someone who is looking to lean out should be doing...but life needs to be lived with balance...and wine. Lots and lots of it.


Thursday, 8 December 2011


I can hear this little voice inside my head telling me to get moving already.  For every minute I sit idle, someone else somewhere else is working harder than I am at achieving the same goal.  So I've been really pushing myself...and I honestly feel fantastic. 

It's been brutal though, the everyday workout.  That's the thing with P90x - you really do have to train as laid out for maximum results.  The TRX system I LOVE...but the co-ordinating b/w the two workouts is more than I have time for right now. I really, really need to just do as I am told. I am so distracted and so tired.

My workouts themselves are full of moments wherein my kids are vying for my attention.  If I can train first thing after dropping kids at school, I do. However, I've had to utilise that time to accomplish Christmas shopping. Secret missions!

SO I'm stuck working out usually just after lunch time. Brutal. My son is home in addition to my seven month old.  Yesterday my son really would have preferred if I watched him transform his transformers the entire workout while Rachel kept rolling herself across the room to get onto my mat.  I was constantly moving her back to her area ( the jumper proved more of an issue and she screamed in the playpen, this was third option).  She had alternate ideas as to how we were going to spend our time. I still managed to pull it off, just thinking Tony didn't envision these scenarios of his audience ha ha.  Rachel began screaming at me with about twenty minutes remaining in the workout. As I was exercising I was singing Mary had a little lamb while acknowledging my sons transformation of transformers.  It was just as tiring as the workout.  I almost made it - had 10 minutes to go and had to stop it to pick her up.  It's ok though.  I've decided to start applauding myself for what I could pull off vs focusing on what was still remaining to complete. I can only do what I can do, I just have to push myself in the time that I do have to get the most from it. 

I will get it done.

So now I have joined the P90x on line community for support, set myself up for success diet wise at home and begun recording my workouts/eating so as to track my success towards my goal.  This blog is also a big piece of my dedication. 

This pic I have attached is from 7 years ago.  It was taken this time of year.This shows my frame and so when I post my "before" shots from tonight, you will see exactly how much I have to lose. It's all in the boobs and the belly...the momma belly. I can't wait until it's gone!!!

Well my daughter is now bored with her exersaucer, my moment is over.
Until tomorrow!