As we travel along this path together there are a few things you will notice about me....a few constants. There are many things that change or evolve over time, and many that...well....are just me. I am completely an addictive/compulsive personality, and, I am very competitive. Even with myself. I am not a sore loser or anything like that, losing just makes me work harder. It's just, I do everything I can in advance of that moment not to lose.
So let's rewind to earlier this week when I was a dumbass with my TRX. I felt fantastic in that moment. I absolutely love any form of resistance training. Weight training was my personal favorite. There are so many moves using this thing that make it feel as it did when I was using weights. And now, now I hurt in ways I haven't hurt in a very long time. My 15lb munchkin feels like five hundred tons and I have serious lactic acid burn like sensations while trying to hold her. I went way over board. My quads feel completely jacked, triceps cramped, ass - well........sitting is unappealing. Sitting than rising, even less appealing. I'm going to lie down in a minute. The kids are all asleep and my hubby is doing his weekly work-out at hockey. He skipped the TRX..... and so to ensure he never uses my current condition as cause to bypass a workout, I acted as though nothing was wrong all day. I'm so f'ng tired right now...
On a shallow note. I saw this jacket I really would love to sport this winter. It has a belt. I loathe belts at the moment. When you have giant mom boobs, you don't wear anything with a belt. The boobs look like torpedos. I have my shallow side, it involves this jacket....with a belt.
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